
Friday, May 21, 2010

Follower Friday

EllaCouture Today is Friday! Woo! Just the beginning of a surely amazing weekend! To celebrate, I'm going to start up a little thing I like to call Follower Friday. I'm going post a question and all you've got to do is comment on this post with your answers!

I'll go through all of the answers I've gotten and choose a few of my favorites to feature you and your answer (and your blog!) in next week's Follower Friday question!

So, without further adieu, today's question is:

Lipgloss or lipstick? Why?

Just comment on this post to be featured in next week's Follower Friday!


K.M. Alleena said...

Hmm. When I did a play a couple of years ago; I found lipstick super uncomfortable, and the stage brand we used actually hardened enough for half of it to crack off. It was strange. But in general, lipgloss because it feels more natural.
--> that's WHEN I wear it. (:

Anonymous said...

Toughie. Depends on what look I'm going for. I'm absolutely LOVE red lips. Of course, it can be biggest pain in the butt to maintain them though out the day, (red teeth, EW) and it takes a while to make them look perfect in the first place, plus different reds for different people and it's hard to find the perfect red for yourself. But once I have it on, I feel like a million bucks.

But really, Lip gloss rocks beyond just simple lipstick. Dumb Blond Lip gloss by TIGI is my favorite. It's just a simple clear clear lip gloss that lasts for DAYS. It makes your lips look like glass if you want that kind of look, or can just be a simple shiny coat. Also, it's made with Peppermint so it cools and tingles while you wear it. It's so moisturizing, that some people think it's a lip plumper, but it isn't. It just adds so much moisture and removes any dead skin that it returns your lips to their original and healthy state.

That's way better than any lipstick I've ever worn. However... Glossy red lips are amazing.

I guess in the end. I like Lip gloss.


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