
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


EllaCouture A woman walks down the street. Her heels are high and her head is held even higher. It's not her body that turns heads, but her look.

Whether you're the onlooker or you already are that woman, I want to welcome you to my new style blog. It's my job to print the tips and tricks that have transformed my style and my life.

A little about me, I was once that nerdy kid in class that everybody liked to pick on. I pushed my peers away and didn't care at all what others thought about me.

One day, as I was minding my own business, one of the popular boys sat next to me and struck a conversation. At first, I was on guard. Naturally, I thought it was some kind of trick, but after a few minutes I realized he was genuinely interested in what I had to say.

Through that conversation, he pointed out that people were missing out on getting to know me based on what I put on my body and the impression that gave off. He shattered my (stupid) idea that anyone worth getting to know wore black too and that anyone who put effort into their appearance was unintelligent and vain.

I thought to myself "You know, if there are more people as nice as he is who are intimidated by what I wear, I'm missing out on getting to know them, too." I decided that day to change.

My transformation was not instant, but it was completely life-changing. I am a wildly different person today because of that one boy who proved to me that other people were worth getting to know, because on my quest to make lasting friendships with genuine people, I reevaluated the image I was giving off.

I started keeping up my appearance, wearing makeup more often, mixing more color into my everyday outfits. I asked for a straightener for my birthday that year and began doing my hair for the first time.

It wasn't too long before I saw some results. I made more friends, I smiled and laughed more, people started asking me for fashion tips, and that may have been the best feeling of all. I absolutely love sharing my knowledge with my friends. Giving hair and makeup lessons and being a personal shopper became my new favorite hobbies.

So if you are already a style diva, looking for a little extra fashion nourishment in your day, I'm glad to have you! You'll find lots of tips and tricks that will keep your style fresh.

And if you're like I once was and you're just starting your style journey, I'm just as charmed to have you along for the ride. It would mean the world to me to know you found inspiration here.


K.M. Alleena said...

hey! I love the layout on the blog, and your story sounds a lot like mine. But always remember, it's not really what you're wearing, it's how you're wearing it (confidence) (:
I hope your blog inspires others, I do (:

But in all honesty; when one gets older and has to take a simple job somewhere like...a grocery store; they seriously limit fashion xD
If I could spice up a collared shirt there, It'd be fantastic. however; it's against the rules! What a wrench in the changes xD

I still don't wear makeup; I hate the mess and time it takes to put on/take off. Plus. I just didn't bother to learn the art of it for daily wear anyway xD And I don't straighten my hair; it's naturally curly, and though it's zombie-esque in the morning, something simple can be done to reverse it and turn it into a style (thank goodness -that's- not against the rules, hehe!)

Looking forward to reading more! --

littlebyrd said...

You are adorable :) I enjoyed reading your story. Looking forward to youre vintage shop!!

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